Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog 5

"Poll: Many Americans don't see their kids as overweight" by Robert Preidt of HealthDay. The article is about parents who cannot see the fact that their child is overweight. http://t.healthyliving.msn.com/health-wellness/poll-many-americans-dont-see-their-kids-as-overweight-1

The article explains that  15% of parents say that their children are a little over weight. But, according to what national statistics have to say, 32% of children are literally overweight. Another interesting thing this article said was that, 69% of American adults are overweight themselves, 36% are obese, and only 6% are extremely obese. Parents are a major role in children's lives when it comes to what they eat. Researchers have found that families who eat in front of the TV or with other distractions around them, obesity is more likely for them because they aren't paying attention to what they are eating or how big of  a portion they have in front of them. Towards the end of the article Robert explains that families who often have family celebrations of any kind, get off track from healthy eating and put out unhealthy foods such as Sweets, high fat and sugar foods such as many others that can lead to unnecessary weight gain that is hard to lose with only exercising and healthy eating again.

My Opinion is this, just because you are sitting in front of the TV while eating something, doesn't always mean that you are going to be eating a lot more than you normally would if you were sitting with the family at the dinner table. However, I do agree with the author. Sometimes it is hard to get yourself to eat healthy foods when you should instead of going to Chipotle to get a burrito. I also agree that the commercials do make it hard to not be so hungry while you see them, but parents should not be blaming their child's obesity entirely on the food commercials. The commercials don't call you by name and force you to buy their food, it's a personal choice whether you do or don't. If you don't want your child or anybody in your family to be overweight, then I think families should stop buying junk food and replace the chips and such with vegetables and fruits like grapes, apples and such.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Blog #4

"Man Makes Failed Attempt to Climb Out Eighth Story Window with Bed-Sheet Rope After Wife Locks Him in Bedroom" By Neetzan Zimmerman http://gawker.com/5985138/man-makes-failed-attempt-to-climb-out-eighth-story-window-with-bed+sheet-rope-after-wife-locks-him-in-bedroom  In his article he explains that a man was trying to escape out of his apartment window 8 stories up from the ground by tying bed sheets together for a rope to climb down the side of the building. When the man fell the last 7 stories, he landed on a bush covered in snow and was able to walk away to a park ambulance down the street from where he fell. A police officer said that the man was trying to run away from his wife who was psycho and the only way he could escape was by going out the window and all he wanted to do was see his friends.

After reading this article, I still don't understand why anybody would have the courage to tie bed sheets together just to escape their wife. Also, when I first read this, I thought the author wrote the title of this article just to be funny, but as we can see here, the author was serious about what they meant. This shows that people do stupid things all the time and the media catches attention of it, and makes it a huge headline story.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blog 3

The session I attended for Student Success Day was the Keynote Leadership Session by Patrick McGarrity. The session I attend is about how to manage your money when you have credit cards and how to maintain a good credit score. Patrick stated a good point in the middle of the session he said " unless you have more money than what you know what to do with, you need a job." He mentioned that nothing gets worse than your credit card getting maxed out and the best thing that can happen when you have a credit card is when you pay more than the minimum payment on your credit card statement, the credit score improves. I also learned that when you have a higher credit score that means you have to pay less interest and monthly payments. The main thing I got from this presentation is turn your job into a hobby and when bill collectors start bothering you there is no way to ignore them.
I personally thought this presentation was helpful because I learned a lot of things about finances I didn't know before and it's given me a lot of helpful tips to use when I start using my credit card for big payments in the near future. The information applied to me because I am planning to move out on my own soon and with all this information in mind, I know I can keep my self hopefully out of debt and not get myself into trouble with credit cards. What I can apply from this session to my career is I can ask if they have anything set up for retirement and I can ask what kind of benefits I can have from working with their business.