Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog #1

The article "I wont Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why." by Kyle Wiens here's the link to the article .

In the article " I wont Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why." by Kyle Wiens is saying that he wont hire people who don't know how to use proper punctuation  while they are writing either papers or something for businesses because otherwise it makes him look bad. He is also explaining that it is really embarrassing when an adult doesn't know the differences between to and too while writing. Kyle explains that for people to get hired at his company which is called, they are required to take a grammar test before he considers hiring them. If they don't know how to spell or use proper grammar and even though they are fit for the job, he will not hire them because they use poor  grammar. Towards the end of the article, Kyle is explaining that even though not all companies require a grammar test before they are hired, but  they will look at how organized and neat your resume looks. If it looks sloppy, your automatically not considered for the job. "I guarantee that even if other companies aren't issuing grammar tests, they pay attention to sloppy mistakes on résumés."

I agree with the author to an extent about what they are saying in the article. However, I believe having the employees take a  grammar test before being considered is a little too extreme to me. I understand that grammar and punctuation make a difference in what something means or the way it makes what they are trying to say be viewed differently but not everyone pays attention to detail like those and not everyone has enough knowledge I guess you could say to really understand the difference between certain words. Maybe they aren't applying to write things, maybe they are applying to do something else not related to writing.

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